Invisible Cities- Online Greenlight Reveiw


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    That's the first OGR out bof the way, congrats.

    Phyllis is an interseting city in regards to composition and the interplay of shapes and distance.

    Rather than a supernatural aura I would suggset that Phyllis is more seductive, visitors fall in love with it , now, that may have dark connotations. Especially when the text starts talking about the fleeting nature of the environment.

    For your "queens look at the examples of Soviet sculpture for a sense of majesty and strength.

    In regards to classicism there are plenty of examples of neo-classicism to draw upon but think about how you can add something to a familiar concept. Light seems to be import in Phyllis, as well a variety of materials. The description seems to suggest an illusory city that isn't quite there unles you focus on particular fragments. How do you think you could suggest this fleeting nature?

    Is the city real or a series of fragmented memories?

    In respects to your thumbnails I would like to see some more drawn with a frame, as animators and artists we are restricted to certain boundaries this will aid your compositions and enable you to think like a cinematographer.


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